Go Active Crossover or Upgrade existing XOs?

It was recently suggested to me that rather than doing a crossover upgrade 

I look into an active crossover for my Tannoy FSMs. Anyone experienced enough 

to guide me? What advantages does active provide?


Showing 3 responses by gadios

Wow, now that was group of very well laid out responses. 
-Millercarbon's point is not something that can be ignored.
Perhaps most speaker manufacturers just don't want people
adjusting the sound they worked so hard to create?
-dicarmeli exposed me for the ignoramous I am in this endeavor.
But I can try to learn about it.
-Unfairlane's point sounds reasonable. I will find out what order 
I'm in. 
-Lewinski's advice is to learn more, then decide. Wise.
-George's work was for naught.
-I like the way Piazanno put it best. Go For it!!!
I sincerely thank you all for the many varied approaches and results you
have found traveling this road.. This was exactly what I hoped to learn. I am not technologically gifted and have zero engineering knowledge.
I do recognize the wisdom of Clint Eastwood's immortal
words, "A man's got to know his limitations". From what I gleem great rewards await those who spend their lives twiddling with knobs in
the Active XO world.  I will be better off researching the best caps
etc and letting my qualified friends install them. Sad but true. 
FYI: The party suggesting the active route was none other than NP