gloves to touch vinyl surface

I'm in the quest of equipping my record store with gloves for walk-in customers visiting the record store. This hasn't been done at any locations I've seen so far, but quite a few Mint records after a while are full with customer finger prints. They will also protect covers as well.

I don't normally sell any record bellow Goldmine EX grade and don't really want it to be finger-printed or sometimes accidentally scratched by nails.

What will be the best material that would be quite thin? It also shouldn't inflict any additional static.

After a pair of gloves used by customer one drops it in the basket and at the end of day I'll laundry them. I have to order them via uniform store I guess with store logo. I also plan to sell those as well

Showing 1 response by photon46

As a photographer who wrestled with trying to actually get a film strip or 4x5 negative out of the sleeve while wearing cotton gloves, I can tell you they aren't exactly great for maintaining tactile dexterity. They're always slipping down your fingers leaving you with a dangling mass of cotton impeding your fingers. They do work to prevent damage, but customers aren't going to like wearing them long. I think Isochronism's finger cot idea is pretty good!