Glenn Gould piano recording of Beethoven

I have quite a few CD recordings of Glenn Gould playing Beethoven. By the way I know many people would disagree but I think he is by far the best when it comes to playing Beethoven early and middle period piano sonata. My favorite is his interpretation of Opus 10 No.3 second mvt. I think I saw heaven when I listen to it. Others made it sound like they are doing an exercise.

Anyway, one annoying thing I notice is that the soundstage is very messy. The left hand and right hand notes are all over the place. Some times on the same piece , the right hand notes are on the left of the soundstage but then later on it would reappear on the right side. It sounds like some sort of special effect was applied to the recording. I don't think it is my system because other piano recordings (done by other pianist) sound just fine.

Does anyone hear the same thing as I do?

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I am listening to gould playing bach partita #6 in e minor. As good of a piano recording and performance as i have heard! Absolutely marvelous!