Glenn Campbell - new found respect

I'm soon to be 50 and recall being forced to watch the Hee Haw show as a child. My dad loved that show and on Saturday nights he made sure our one TV was tuned to this show. I recall guest appearances - Cash, Pride, Campbell.... and some many others.
I'm not a Country music nut but do appreciate good music across the spectrum from pop, rock, big band, jazz, blues... and country.
I never realized just how talented Glenn C. is. Check out this you tube performance 'Glenn Campbell In Concert In Sioux Falls. It's from a 2001 show before the ravages of mental illness set in. He was no spring chicken at this point but still had a great voice. His guitar playing is so clean, sharp... but without being over the top or forced. I'm guessing I'll get slammed here by some critics but also think others on Agon will appreciate this Sioux Falls performance. Enjoy!!!!

Showing 3 responses by martykl

Another fan here. Country crooners are set up to take some hits on this kind of forum, so I understand why the OP felt that he might get slammed. However, Glenn could play and sing and he usually interpreted the songs he was handed in a straightforward, yet effective away. Glad to see that so many folks here can look beyond the label and appreciate the artist.
My guy Lindsey Buckingham had an interesting quote on why he won't learn to read music:

Reading music is a left brain activity and rock n roll is a right brain art form.

I read music and completely understand his point as it pertains to "primitivist" rock n roll. I also find it very interesting that Buckingham is a disciple of Brian Wilson and does wonderful (and often inventive) work with harmony, which I'd call a "left brain" musical exercise. Part of what makes rock music so appealing to me is just that dichotomy.
Good read. I agree that all guitar players (even us hacks) should be revered.