Given an Onkyo Integra M 504 today. Worth keeping?

My neighbors just went through a nasty divorce and the wife asked if wanted this "this ugly heavy stereo thing that I don't want and can't pick up."  I said sure and brought it home. I have never heard anything from this line, but it is gorgeous and looks like it's been very well cared for. 

Is anyone familiar with this amp? Just curious if it's worth keeping and how it compares to modern amps. I am actually in the middle of revamping my 2 channel system and do not have a preamp at he moment to enjoy those giant meters! 

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Showing 1 response by boomerbillone

Hello jof!  The Integra line is Onkyo's best in audio equipment. The front ends are usually better than the power amp sections. It is likely that this model has preamp outputs. You can use them to drive outboard power amps. I have five systems (and a tolerant wife) im my home and two of them use Integra receivers in this way. There is nothing wrong with the power amp sections as long as you take them for what they are, especially if you don't like your music really loud. They are great for beginners entering the hobby!  When I can buy a used one "right" I snap them up and give them to people who want better sound at home, but are unfamiliar with serioous audio systems. HINT: Integra receivers have a protection system in them that prevents damage in the case of misuse. Once triggered, the apparant total shut down of the output stage remains locked until a simple restoration process (only mentioned once in a obscure section of the manual) is performed. I once bought one of the top of the line models that had tag reading "output section damaged" for $100 at a dealer's showroom where the trade ins were stacked in a corner. The restoration process brought it back to life and I am using it as a preamp tuner in my #3 system and use the power output section to drive guest speakers, experimental speakers, and subwoofers. Hang on to your M504! Happy Listening!