Gimbal vs unipivot tonearms

Curious as to the difference between these types of arms. In my experience, it seems as if unipivots are much more difficult to handle.

Is it like typical debates - depends on the actual product design/build or is one better sounding or less expensive or harder to set up....?

Showing 1 response by cleeds

Ginmal arms or arms with two axis bearings if done correctly are superior.
That's opinion stated as fact, even though Mijostyn and I do share rather a distaste for unipivot arms. I've always found it creepy the way they wobble about, which seems to me the very last thing anyone would want a pickup arm to do. But that's just a prejudice. I've heard some extraordinary sounds from unipivot arms, including a 12-inch VPI on an HRX at Peter Lederman's Soundsmith.

As usual, it's all about the implementation, not the technology itself.