Gilmour and Waters Together Again

Gilmour and Waters played together again for a worthy cause.

Showing 1 response by richard_stacy

With all due respect to you guys (really!)....if I was forced to listen to more than a song or 2 from those guys I think I would lose it. Respect for their talent and ability? Oh yes, the utmost. Fan back in the day? Big time fan. Brilliant artists who made some truly important music but the days rolled by and music has evolved with those days. Samuel I am surprised at the comments regarding current artists. There are many many many superbly talented (and important)artists creating records that move the spirit as those men did in their prime. There are many reasons why fame is not as it was then but if you take the time/energy to look and explore, the music is out there. I enjoy when an occasional Welcome to the Machine pops up when I have my catalog on random but not like I do spinning a disc of a brilliant new artist I discover. I think even my gear is tired of recreating those same notes of "and I grieve for my sister....yea yea, just like you have for the past 20 yrs...I honestly find it somewhat surprising that these guys got so stale and were unable to do anything relevant in their mature life, like Dylan and others have. A spin of Gilmours solo album, the one with the blue cover can never remember the name, makes me think I gave him way to much credit back in the day! Maybe I just overplayed those albums and got burned out but come on, how many times can you listen to the same damn's old, dated, and dare I say....dull.

Anyway. Enjoy the show...same old show....