Gilmore Audio planars revealed

The Gilmore Audio speaker have finally been photographed for the world to see: Gilmore Audio

Disclaimer - I'm a dealer for the Gilmores, though at this point I'm still awaiting my first pair, as they haven't begun shipping yet.

The Gilmores push the edge of the envelope for planar technology in several areas. Innovations include an extremely thin (3 mil) Kapton diaphragm; bass extension to below 20 Hz; easy 8-ohm load combined with 92 dB efficiency (you can drive 'em with Atma-Sphere M-60's!); and maximum output level in the mid to upper 120's.

Designer Mark Gilmore is the webmaster of the Atma-Sphere Owner's Group website, as well as of the Sound Lab Owner's Group site. He's been around for a while, but this is his first commercial loudspeaker design (to the best of my knowledge).

I haven't heard 'em yet so can't comment on the sound (I know, that's all that really matters after all). I'm expecting a pair before the end of the year, and will post comments then.


Showing 2 responses by rhyno


"low margins" ?!?

not a chance in hell w/ those speakers. by the looks of it, maybe $3k worth of materials. or, just a little less in materials than a WP7.

keeping it real,
mejames, agreed.

sellerwithintegrity? WTF? you are such an unabashed promoter that IMO you should always and immediately insert the caveat that you sell whatever you promote. you have no credibility here---which is why you have the "withintegrity" moniker...anyone who's been around long enough knows that someone who ardently claims to be something enough..probably isn't...

brainwater: i finally caught your earlier post: typical markup in hi-fi is 5x over COG (as noted in Sterophile). so, using that metric, WP7s cost 4.5k in materials to make--and lets not forget wilson's name cache & outstanding dealer network/support---that is part of the markup's benefit. gilmore---no comparison---i'd bet its markup is more like 7x, and his dealer network and brand cache cannot compare to wilsons. source the drivers, the corian, and the parts for the want to tell me that's 7.5k or so (i.e. 2x markup)? no chance---figure 2-3k cost, 5-7x markup.

keeping it real.