Budget? What kind of sound characteristics are you looking for?Sorry, I should have posted a dollar amount but omitted and just wrote “intermediate” as I’m not sure what the ranges are, I assume from $50 to $5000. I imagine I could start with maybe a $500 DAC just to see what it is all about and if I like it and go from there. I’m not sure I want to start this cellphone type of circuit where I need to buy a $1000 DAC every year or two because there is something better or more modern.
I’m curious if I can “up my game” by using my CD player as a transport to a DAC too, but I’m not sure it’s worth it at that level, and was thinking I could just a DAC that works with my iPad or iPhone. I do have a MAC but don’t feel like hauling out a computer and dealing with the logistics of that every time I want to listen to music or I’ll quickly lose interest in that medium.