Getting started with a second system...

Here's the situation: I would like to create a second system for around $2500. My initial thoughts are to maybe try the Quicksilver Minis paired with the Sonographe pre, or perhaps even a (gasp) Wakonda or something of the sort. I'd need a remote for volume control, and preferably I'd like tone controls to even out room response and questionable recordings. The room is very active, with hardwoods and little furniture. Speakers might be Dynaudio Audience 52s, but I'm very open to suggestions. My listening tastes run from jazz to Radiohead, but virtually no classical or heavy rock; most listening will be done at reasonable levels.

I think I'd like to look at separates, so I can upgrade as I go along. I would prefer tubes to ss. So, any suggestions? Canary Audio? Cary? Rogue?

Your thoughts are very much appreciated!
My second system tends to get hand me downs and stuff to play with. No definite plan.

A neutral inexpensive preamp that has tone controls that can be bypassed, and a remote control volume is the Cambridge Audio C500. Can add a decent moving magnet phono stage as well. I played around with one a long time ago, along with the Sonograph and felt the Cambridge was slightly better. I felt the Sonograph was colored in an attempt to make it sound tube-like. Just made it dull. The Cambridge being pretty neutral means it can be combined with a much better amplifier than what Cambridge offers without degrading the sound. It sells pretty cheap, so you can always resell without losing big bucks, it if you want to upgrade later.

If you are interested in tubes, you may want to try a used 300B or 2A3 SET Amp with some efficient (94db or above) speakers. While the Bass might be a bit light for Rock, the presence will knock you out - especially in Jazz.

If you want to go with Push Pull tubes (slightly better bass but does not have the presence of SET), I would recommend you look at the AES, Rogue, Quicksilver or Decware Zen for moderately priced gear. You can get away with more moderate speaker efficiency (89db+).

I originally went from SS to Push Pull tubes and then migrated to SET. Be warned, if you go down the SET path for your 2nd system, it just might force you to "upgrade" your primary system!
The AMC CVT-3030 tube integrated amp has tone controls and a phono stage as well. They sold for $999. Now discontinued, but Spearit Sound has some new ones with factory warranty for only $499.