Getting SET

My system is sounding pretty nice now. But after listening to some high-quality, low-power high-efficiency systems, I realize that they are capable of reproducing music like nothing else I've been exposed to. So, please help me take the plunge, intelligently.

I have enjoyed listening to Lamm ML2, Wytech Labs, and some home-brew designs, among other SETs. One option is to simply buy a commercial SET that I audition. On the other hand, the idea of building a kit is appealing to me. I think that I would gain alot of enjoyment listening to something I build myself. I might learn something, too! (I do not have experience with DIY, but not afraid to learn).

My question (finally!) to those experienced with SETs: Are the kits comparable in sound quality to the (higher quality) commercial products? If you believe so, can you suggest specific kits, for a newbie to DIY? I have read great things about the DIY HiFi Ladyday and the Wellborne Labs 300b. I know that Bottlehead makes kits, and that there are others. Anybody been down this road care to share their experience?

I realize that we must consider both speakers and amp in this discussion. My current speakers are Nola (Alon) Circes, but I am leaning towards a more SET-friendly custom Edgarhorn. If your amp suggestion has adequate power to drive the Circes, all the better, so that I won't have to change amp and speakers simultaneously. The rest of my system is listed under Ever Evolving, "Seattle Sound".

I listen to mostly classical music of all types (chamber, piano and orchestral), as well as some jazz, blues, and vocals. I mostly listen at moderate levels, but sometimes enjoy listening at loud volume. My dedicated listening room is 18' x 15' x 8'. Thanks for your thoughtful replies.

Showing 1 response by douglikesaudio

Audio Note has a couple set kits. I built the kit1 and although I haven't compared it directly to other set amps, the sound is very good. The kit comes with everything well laid out and consists of high quality components. Oh, and building it was fun!