getting into streaming

So after many years of playing cd's, I'm considering getting into streaming music. I would prefer to use the DAC in my accuphase CD player; my question is I assume any streamer would require something additional to control it (smart phone, tablet etc) but I'm wondering if there is something out there that has its own controller to use to surf for songs, so I don't have to buy anything else to use it


Showing 2 responses by gwng8

well thanks everyone....lots of info here to digest. There were a couple of people that were able to answer the first question I had, that there isn't a device that comes with its own interface (It might have been logitech that someone pointed out had one years ago). 

As it was also pointed out above there is a lot more to streaming than playing cd's. I will continue to do some research and see where it leads me

thanks again

so I may have found what i'm looking for from cocktail audio.  Some of their units come with hdmi outputs, so you can bring it up on your tv, which should negate the need for a tablet/ipad.

So are there any other manufacturers that have hdmi output on their server/streamers?