Haha when I got into streaming I figured ok this will be pretty straight forward and easy in comparison to my viny and preamp matching... Couldn’t have been more wrong. Streaming is still in its infancy and although it is really good there’s still alot of technology and room to grow. Like being aware of buying eq that will be obsolete in a few years or how it’s supported with software updates. Your Dac is the same thing and does it have room to grow? Problem is you don’t know what you don’t know. So 1st thing is watch as many videos on reviews of every quality streamer and dac you can. Create a list of features, balanced, wifi, software, streamer vs server etc. Make sure you research the dac and if it’s features and your preamp options are in par w one another. Also if your dac meshes well with the features of your streamer. Each dac sounds different so this stuff matters. Decide which things are priorities for you. Many say to get a tablet, I own an android note and my innuos sense software works perfect and it’s one of the better streamer interfaces in the market so I have no need for tablet would be a waste of money. At the end of the day It’s like anything else, some devices are meant to look impressive with features and pretty screens in a be all end all approach while others are desinged with a more seperate eq approach with priority of sound quality 1st in mind. And yes you will have a hard time finding anything that does both especially at certain price points so again know what you want. The more I researched the more I realized the less I knew so take your time again there’s so much information to consider but try to learn as much as possible so your not throwing money away. Unlike preamps and record players most of the features built into those type of devices are beneficial when you use whereas in streaming its easy to pay for features you will never use or need. Dont mean to make this sound daunting but if music is a passion you will enjoy the challenge of all this. After you’ve done enough homework to be dangerous and have narrowed your search down to a handful of devices then you should come back to the forum here to see what others experiences have been with those to make sure your not overlooking anything and of course this goes without saying but if you can demo before buying certainly do. Best of luck curious to what you decide down the road.
getting into streaming
So after many years of playing cd's, I'm considering getting into streaming music. I would prefer to use the DAC in my accuphase CD player; my question is I assume any streamer would require something additional to control it (smart phone, tablet etc) but I'm wondering if there is something out there that has its own controller to use to surf for songs, so I don't have to buy anything else to use it