Getting into Opera... need advice

I have never listened to much opera, but have lately been accidentally encountering it, and decided its time to dip my toe into the water.

I am interested in starting with something that has a very melancholy, introspective feel to it. Something slower... not too sprightly.

I guess that desire leads me to believe that I should look for a tenor, but if someone has a recording that features a female vocalist that they think would fit the bill, I will be receptive to such a suggestion.

Oh, and I have a CD-only rig. No vinyl or high resolution capabilities.

Thanks very much for the help.

Showing 1 response by jwc37

CHANDOS Records (CDs) has an excellent series of operas sung in English. The recordings are of good quality and one can understand the plot as it develops. I recently purchased their recording of Wozzeck by Alban Berg and found it quite acceptable. Opera in English will get you started but the "sound" of the original language is what you eventually want and later you may want to purchase operas in their original language.