Getting FM broadcast on phono mode

I am getting an FM or AM signal on the left channel of my speaker. Speakers are across the room from the amp. This occured several months ago, but was corrected by plugging turntable AC into a power line conditioner....I recently added a Rega TTPSU power supply, but today I noticed a faint FM signal. I turned the volume up to 3'olock on the Creek integrated on the phono mode unweighted and music could be heard very low. This problem is only on the phono mode not CD and only on the left channel. I shifted the position of the Rega PS, and plugged the table into another input on the Power Line conditioner. It did not mute the FM music. I am wondering if the quartz device in the TTPSU is picking up an FM signal from somewhere in the building and is not being filtered out by the conditioner. Help!! need advice

Showing 1 response by almarg

In addition to Tobias' suggestions, there are a number of specific suggestions in the following threads which may be helpful:

BTW, it's most likely an AM signal, not FM. Aside from an FM tuner, there is probably nothing in an audio system that could demodulate FM into intelligible audio.

-- Al