Getting back into digital. Please help.

Need help on something that can compete with my vinyl. I haven't paid much attention to digital the last several years and haven't a clue what is good or sound characteristics of certain brands other than Naim.

No dealers where I live so used market. Hopefully I can get something with warranty left. Price range $5K or less. SACD is nice but not a dealbreaker.

System is 300B amp or a 45 amp into Altec Model 19s. Preamp is also tube - 76/6F8G based. 300B amp has gain pots and enough gain that can take digital source direct.

Current CD is ten year old Technics player. Smooth but uninvolving and nothing like the Naim CD5/Flatcap combo we have upstairs (awesome). Also tried the playstation...same sort of sound as the Technics.

Showing 4 responses by plinko

I have been thinking about the CDX2 Mlauner.

Davt, have you tried a power supply with your CDX2 and if not, any issues with aggressive or mechanical sound?

I like Naim but if I'm not going to build a Naim system, there are a lot of options out there.
Interesting comments, Lokie and Musicslug. I take it that neither of you would recommend a player/DAC that does not have a USB input? Upon first glance, it seems the SA-50 offers everything including just regular 'ol put a cd in a tray method :-).

Forward looking solutions seem like a good idea but they hinge on whether these players/dacs sound good. If not, then all is moot.
Musicslug, I have nothing against a HD solution but it would be a big change. I'm glad I started the thread because I never really considered.

Do these companies have a house sound or is generalizing going to mislead? Thinking of Wadia, Esoteric, Meridian, Marantz, etc....

I know that what I want is something Naim like. Extensiona and details are not important. Conveying the emotion of the music is what is important to me (dynamics, microdynamics,etc...).
Naim just announced a DAC today.

I can see paralysis by analysis setting in. lol.