Get rid of the Dunlavys?

I currently own a pair of Dunlavy SM-1s. I am using them with a Denon 3803. I am contemplating selling the SM-1s and getting into some B&W 805s. I listen to all types of music, but I really like female vocals and acoustic music. Just wanted to get some feedback. I know this is completely subjective, but it will be nice to get some other views. Thanks
It was the blanket opened endedness of the statements above that promted my reply. The Apogges do indeed do bass. Then again were comparing different price points. "Generally" speaking at equall price points boxes "usually" have greater dynamics and more extended frequency response. Whether or not one prefers other subtleties are another issue all togther. Notice how I didn't make refernce to the "female vocals" issue. I was not trying to put down panels, merely defending boxes from all to general blanket statements.
I understand Unsound, but did you notice how I tried to cover my butt in the first post with: " Take a couple of cd's of your choice and go have a listen"..and "IMO". I did forget the humble part of the opinion.

Thanks for all of the information and suggestions. I think I will try to upgrade the amplification and see if that satisfies me first.