George Martin RIP

Passed away in London last night at age 90.

Showing 1 response by ivan_nosnibor

What a loss. He was indeed brilliant. And among so much of what he gave us is the Beatles' "Love" album, the soundtrack for the unforgettably spectacular Cirque Du Soleil stage show I was lucky enough to have caught in Vegas a few years back. That soundtrack CD (on which George's son, Giles, also contributed) is a wonderfully brilliant re-imagining of what a touchstone the fab four have always been in my life and for so many others, without a doubt.

The first rock album I ever owned was Sgt Peppers at age 7 and it was not that long after that every lyric on it was permanently burned into my psyche. That kicked off for me a life-long love affair with their music.

RIP, Sir George.