Genesis amp-does anything compare?

I heard a Genesis amp, for the first time today, and was floored by what I heard. It sounded like nothing I've read about when it comes to ICE powered amps. Digital done right, I guess. Almost tube like without the bloom; wonderful midrange, deep and precise bass, and sweet and airy highs. Great soundstage withs lots of depth with a degree of precision I'd not thought possible. I could have stayed there all day. I was told that no one else makes them this good. I felt like crying (I openly wept to my inner self).

What I'd like to know is if anyone has heard this amp and if so, have they heard some other, lesser priced, digital amp that comes close to sounding as good. I would like to believe that there have been some advances made in the last few years that have closed the gap between this jewel of an amp and all the others out there.

Thanks, in advance,

Showing 1 response by teajay

Hi Nonoise,

Yes, I have heard the Genesis amp and if you love the way it sounds I highly recommend you audition Channel Islands Audio's new reference monoblocks the D-200 LGX which offers just about the same sonic footprint that you describe regarding the Genesis amp. It is very well built and costs a significant less amount of money, retails for $2299.00 a pair. If you want alot more details go to the website PFO issue 22 and look at the review by Greg Weaver who is a fan of class D amps and made these monoblocks his new reference. I like these better then Nuforce and Spectron, even though I'm not a fan of D amps in generally.