Generally speaking, are MC cartridges more delicate than MMs?

Here's why I ask: I'm planning, finally, to get my retirement turntable. My one concern: I'm blind. I've used a Rega Planar 3 for many years without difficulty, though on the rarest of occasions I come up a tad short when cueing up a record and the stylus slides off the platter until I quickly lift the lever and set things right. Not great, obviously, but this is, as I said, rare. And so far has caused no obvious problems. I'm using an Ortofon 2M Black at the moment.


Suppose I were to get a better Rega (Planar 6 or 8) with, say, an Ania Pro. If the same sort of mishap were to occur, would it be likely to be a complete disaster, ruining the cartridge forever and leaving me out of luck and out of music, or would it be more likely to be just like what I described with the setup I've got now?


Thanks for any help anyone can provide.


-- Howard



Showing 1 response by millercarbon

Technically MC are ever so slightly less robust than MM. This is due to the reason for MC in the first place is to reduce moving mass as low as possible. Less moving mass means a lighter cantilever and suspension. But while this is major in terms of tracking ability and sound quality it is so slight a difference in absolute terms as to not really matter in terms of what you are talking.

For being willing to do this you have my utmost respect. What I would do, have someone make a little peg out of wood or something, cut to almost the height of the platter and stuck to the plinth with blue tack or maybe double sided carpet tape. Have them stick this in just the right place so when you cue up a record you can feel it with your little finger and in no time you will know exactly where to drop the arm. As long as it is cut below the top of the platter, and as long as you use the arm  lift to cue, there will be no risk of hitting it even if you do miss a drop.
