I copied the Gem Dandy for just a few dollars, partnered it with the Groovmasterlabel protector, and steam clean with a Perfection Steamer from Walgreens. For less than 100 bucks invested I couldn't recommend the system more highly for those on a budget or not. I dry with a lint free micro cloth and my records ( which were originally cleaned on a VPI ) never sounded better.
GEM Dandy Record Cleaner - Has Anyone Tried It ?
Have you read this review of George Merrill's record cleaner in the latest 6Moons.com?http://www.6moons.com/audioreviews/gem/dandy.html
Best ever record cleaner (according to the reviewer) and uses ordinary tap water for the rinse. Exclusively for garage sale purchases, or would you have the nerve to try it on an audiophile reissue, too?
Best ever record cleaner (according to the reviewer) and uses ordinary tap water for the rinse. Exclusively for garage sale purchases, or would you have the nerve to try it on an audiophile reissue, too?