GD Audio di20HE - Is it a DDC with Simultaneous outputs?


Hoping someone can help out here.  Looking for a good DDC hopefully under $1000 that I need specifically to convert USB to I2S.  There are many contenders, but there would be an advantage if the DDC could drive multiple DACs to make switching easier for different listening scenarios.  In my case, I want to send 1 output to my miniDSP SHD for listening with speakers and the other output to a DAC (hoping LAIV Harmony) for use with headphones.

The only DDC that advertises simultaneous outputs is the Denafrips Hermes, but that is just outside my price range.  I have also been looking at GD Audio di20HE (used) in same price range.  The di20HE manual clearly states inputs are selected but does not say the same for the outputs.  I could infer that they are simultaneous, but trying to confirm before purchasing.  I have sent email to GD Audio support, but that is taking time.

Are there any other DDCs that support multiple simultaneous outputs like the Denafrips I could consider

Thanks in advance for any help




thank you for the info.  I heard back from Audio GD and the dih20HE does have simultaneous outputs.  Maybe this is something they all do.  By any chance have you used 2 DACs at the same time.  Wondering if there is a loss in quality?  I think each output has its own electrical path so it is possible that there is no loss


Thanks again


I have the Matrix X-SPDIF 2 and it does have all the outputs active at once. I also think the well regarded Singxer units do the same, although I don't recall enough to be 100% on that. 

Matrix has an X-SPDIF 3 now which is affordable and should continue the same tradition. I like that they let you run off USB power to start but also upgrade to an external PSU of your choosing if you want to.