What IS the cost of those chosen components? If one knew that, then one might suggest options that don't exceed your budget. I personally find the ensemble to be suitably vintage to match the 301 but not perhaps the best with respect to sound quality, whatever "the best" is.
Garrard 301 tonearm build...thoughts?
Hi all, the Garrard 301 is ready for set-up...just need to build out the tonearm. With cost in mind, I’ve come up with the below plan...think this will work out ok?
1. Arm: Denon DA-308 (fits budget and love the Ortofon 309-ish look)
2. Headshell: Denon PCL 7
3. Cartridge: Audio Technica AT 33Sa MC
4. MC Step-up transformer: AT-650
TIA Mike