Garage Listing room

Conciderations pn a garage Listing room.

18 wide  24 ft long 8 ft high ceiling.

Open suds completley insualated with paper faces. Stucco on other side of walls. garage door is solid type with insualtion.

Ceiling is flat open studs 100% filled insualtion

would this serve as a listing room.

Von schweikert vr4/5 Biamps all tubes (might not fill room) Have new vr-8's (that will)


Showing 1 response by russ69

From what I just read on the web, the STC rating is a limited frequency power rating apparently measured in dBs. Acoustic power says 10dBs is approximately what we perceive as twice as loud (or half as loud). So a rating of 43 vs 33 would be twice as quiet (approximately). But don't forget that is a limited frequency measurement, not the full audio spectrum.