Garage into listening room?

So I'm thinking of trying to put a stereo into my garage and use it as my main listening room.  It's apx 20x25 with about an18 foot ceiling.  It's not finished.  

If I set up in an equilateral triangle, say 8 to 10 feet, in the middle of the garage, would that eliminate the need for acoustic treatment?  And if I need treatment, I was thinking of putting a carport frame into the garage and using it to support acoustic treatment.

I wish I had thought of trying this out during the weekend versus on my drive into work this morning.  

Would this work?



Showing 3 responses by mahler123


approximately where do you live?  Is the garage climate controlled?  How hot will the summers be and how cold the winters?  If you are going to have to open the garage doors to tolerate weather then it doesn’t matter what sound treatments you do.  And even if you drive prosaic cars, leaving them outside will cause them to age faster.  Squirrels and mice love to nest in engine blocks and chew on cables (I know several people that have to park outside that have encountered this).  And then there is the most dangerous mammal of all, the car jacking homo sapien.  Parking outside makes you a more vulnerable target.

  In short, a terrible idea, imo.


Is the garage attached to the home?  If not do you live in a warm climate?

I live in Chicago.  Even if I had a heated garage the thought of trooping out to an unattached garage with my galoshes and multiple layers of clothing in winter would definitely cut down my listening time.  My wife wouldn’t be to thrilled about bundling up if she needed to tell me something.  And no telling what friendly neighbors with firearms I might encounter as I trudge back into the home.

  Now are you getting insight into “why more people don’t do it”?



hey, I’m sorry if I was snarky in my comments.  The state of the world has me in the dumps right now, and re reading my response to you made me cringe just now.

I appreciate the civility of your response.

  I am from Michigan originally and we go there several times a year.  Perhaps on your next time in town we can meet at a record store or something and have coffee.  Send me a private message if you’re interested.  In the meantime, since we have the same weather, do you bundle up inthe winter to go to the listening room?  It sounds like the OP s having second thoughts!