Game Changing Tweak

I bought a pair of electrical devices called Electraclear from a company called AddPowr. They're simply plugged into an electrical outlet that's shared by your system. I paid under $300 for them and they've boosted my system's fidelity dramatically. In the 1800's,  a physicist and mathematician, Joseph Fourier, delved into the science of harmonics, and now the founder of AddPowr used these equations to increase the signal to noise ratio. (more signal=less noise) His devices act as harmonic resonators. He worked for a high-end audio cable company before focusing on this new range of products.
   I thought that when I first received the Electraclears, the difference would be subtle. To my surprise and delight, it was a stunning change. I was hearing music from the inside out. Cleaner, more dynamic, and a far greater and noticeable improvement than my power conditioner produces.
   I love finding inexpensive audio devices that work. The company makes other products, but I'd recommend a pair of Electraclears to start. 

Showing 2 responses by fleschler

I agree with MillerCarbon more often and rarely with of the naysayers. 

I use PPT products but found that too many Omega Mats over isolation power transformers, rear of speakers and power boxes can result in a loss of air/ambiance/highs and too much mid-range emphasis.  I also found out from the manufacturer after having found my system sounding weird was that PPT products should not be used where there are magnets.  By adding and subtracting the number and type of Mats I was able to fine tune their use and benfit.  I now use 2 Omega+Mats on power boxes, 2 on top and 2 beneath my isolation power transformer and 1 on the rear of my speakers at the crossover section.  My friend who introduced me to them has no magnets in his system and installed all the PPT products 10X to 20X what I have now.  It works for his system.   

I also use SR HFT system with 32 placed as indicated in the instructions for Levels 1 through 5 and speaker kit.  I tried altering some of their order and resulted in worse sound.  The only one that does not work is the HFX on the tweeters (emphasizes the highs/frequency range out of balance).  Neither the PPTs nor the SR products give me adequate scientific reasoning for their successful use but that doesn't stop me. 

I tried over a dozen types of footers for my equipment and ended up with various Stillpoints.  Those have a stronger scientific basis than SR and PPT products.  
Thanks millercarbon! When I moved last year, I dealt with an entirely different acoustic/room custom engineered. I did not add acoustical tweaks at first. I started with vibrational tweaks (Stillpoints/Townsend Seismic Sink and Herbie’s tube rings). My friends and I listened. Then we added the SR HFTs. Great, just as in the previous locations as indicated by the SR directions, they worked. Then the front Hallographs, then the rear Hallographs (this took about 8 hours to get adjusted correctly). Then the PPT products. It took awhile, several months, adding even more PPT products than I had in the prior location. Then I discovered that it was a negative addition where there were magnets present. Then I realized that by adding or subtracting certain products I could achieve neutrality across the frequency range with added depth, warmth and openess. So to Jetter, I used my hearing (and seconded by astute friends who are in the business) to make my final adjustments.