Game Changing Tweak

I bought a pair of electrical devices called Electraclear from a company called AddPowr. They're simply plugged into an electrical outlet that's shared by your system. I paid under $300 for them and they've boosted my system's fidelity dramatically. In the 1800's,  a physicist and mathematician, Joseph Fourier, delved into the science of harmonics, and now the founder of AddPowr used these equations to increase the signal to noise ratio. (more signal=less noise) His devices act as harmonic resonators. He worked for a high-end audio cable company before focusing on this new range of products.
   I thought that when I first received the Electraclears, the difference would be subtle. To my surprise and delight, it was a stunning change. I was hearing music from the inside out. Cleaner, more dynamic, and a far greater and noticeable improvement than my power conditioner produces.
   I love finding inexpensive audio devices that work. The company makes other products, but I'd recommend a pair of Electraclears to start. 

Showing 2 responses by cleeds

Once again, those who clamor most often for blind listening tests reveal they don’t have a clue about valid testing:

You have to be blindfolded and sitting in your listening position. Have a friend or your wife plug and unplug the unit. All he or she can say is "OK" when they make a change. You say "on" or "off" after every "OK" That person keeps a record of your responses by writing down R for right and W for wrong. Record 50 responses then determine the percentage of right and wrong answers.
Any listener would naturally score 50 out of 50 on that test, or 100 out of 100 if they could stay awake long enough. That’s because the person conducting the test is telling the listener that they’re making a change to one of just two options, so if it’s changed from one it must be the other. That’s pretty silly.

Valid blind testing requires a lot more than a blindfold. Once you understand how cumbersome and tedious and time consuming the process is, you’ll understand why such testing has so little value to the typical audiophile. Or perhaps you’ve already learned that and so have just not bothered to yourself conduct your own tests.

If I’m mistaken, please share the results of your tests. I’m genuinely interested.
... Source exclusively streaming from TIDAL.
90% of streams suffer from distortion as a result of DRC- I am assuming ...
@bobby1945 what is "DRC?"