Gallo Reference 3 vs. Spendor S8 vs. Harbeth Super

I am upgrading my speakers, Klipsch Heresy's,and have auditioned Gallo Reference 3 and Spendor S8. There is not a Harbeth dealer nearby but am considering a used pair of Super HL5's. Have a creek 5350se and denon 2910. Listen to classical,jazz,folk . Appreciate your thoughts and experience with any of these.

Showing 1 response by bojack

I auditioned the S8's for several days back when they first hit US retailers, and my first impression was that they were unforgiving on less than perfect CDs. To balance that out, however, their bass was spot on -- deep and dynamic -- and they imaged really well in my set-up. I would take a look at their Classic series and compare these to the Harbeths. To many seasoned audiophiles, these are where the music lives.