Gallo Reference 3.1 distance from walls?

What are minimum distances from the rear and side walls for the Gallo Reference 3.1's?

when I demoed mine I had them 3 feet to the back of the speaker from the rear wall.The formula for the side walls is (this is a good starting point) room width divided by 18 then x5 then x12 will give you side position to center of speaker in inches..
I also towed then in about room is 13x21 and the speakers are on the long wall. locked in real nice..ALSO I would recommend the Bright Star Stands for them.They do sound better raised.
hope this helps
There is no right answer to your question as it depends on your room, distance from speaker, wall treatment etc. I have heard the 3.1s in my room; however, I did own both the Gallo Solos and the Reference IIs. In my room, I found that keeping the speakers at least 2 meters from the front wall and a meter from each side wall was essential. The side wall distance was significantly more important with these speakers as a result of the near omni-directional tweeter.
Try to get at least 1 meter clearance if you can. 2 meters would be better still for a deeper soundstage. Limiting (or re-locating) any equipment placed between the speakers will also help quite a bit. I have an HDTV in between mine that is set back about a foot behind the speakers and I use a heavy blanket to cover the TV when I'm doing "serious" listening. It seems to help tighten up the focus of the soundstage. See my System link.

Obviously, I would recommend you experiment with speaker placement in your environment to see what sounds best and can be lived with on a daily basis...

Great speakers, huh?
