Future of Analog Technology Media

Hi guys, just wondering if anyone has any insights on what new analog technologies we might eventually see in regards to analog music media. Don’t get me wrong you would have to pry records from my cold dead hands at this point, but could there be something superior to vinyl records for capturing music in the analog format? If so, I have not heard of them, but this topic interests me greatly.


Showing 2 responses by bstatmeister

Yeah, was thinking of something brand spanking new... can't remember where I read it, but there's some type of theoretical hologram that might do a good job of storing music in analog format, but someone might have been trolling, who knows.
 HD Vinyl looks interesting and you can play it on your current analog setup

I heard about that, but it looks like the music is first digitized to a 3D topographic map, so doesn't stay analog. Don't get me wrong I think this has the potential of sounding really great (and I will be one of the first in line to check it out), but for analog purists this is likely something to gripe about.