Fusion Audio cable?

I just picked up a pair of Fusion Audio Romance "Ella" speaker cables.  To say I'm impressed would be an understatement.  Now, I am curious about the interconnect and power cable from Fusion Audio.  Does anyone have experience with these cables that they would like to share here??? I noticed there is not too much info online about these cables and would love to hear others impressions. 

I enjoyed the Ella speaker cable so much, I bought a used pair of Romance II interconnects to use coming out of my Lampizator DAC.  They will arrive next week.  I'm also curious about Magic ics, Romance I ics...or are the Romance II the ones to own? 

Prior to the Ella speaker cable, I had been using AZ Satori Shotgun speaker cable which are excellent IMO and certainly overachievers in their price range.  BUT, the amount of texture, tonality, resolution, and bass definition made available by the Ellas in comparison is incredible to me, AND they can do it all without a hint of edginess or top end glare(unlike other high resolution cables I've used in the past).  I know I can contact Eric Love at Fusion, but I'd love to hear other users experiences with Fusion Audio cable?  BTW, I have no affiliation, thanks! 

Showing 8 responses by pops

How's it going Waxwaves!   I spent about a month with a Fusion Romance PC that a buddy loaned me.  I would describe it being on the warm and musical side - a good thing.  Very nice bass would be it's strong suit but it was nice and balanced on the mid's and top end also. That impressed me the most since a lot of PC's I have tried do not please across the entire spectrum.   It is a beast but is very flexible.  I used it on my dehavilland ultra verve III preamp.  I will probably consider one in the future but have been happy with Wywires Juice II for a while now.  Hope that helps.

Waxwaves I must correct myself. I used the fusion audio enchanter PC not one called romance.  It definitely sounds like it would be a nice fit in your rig based on your description.  Big, bold, and dynamic.  I got the impression a full loom of these might be too much but one worked nicely.   Which brings me to my weakness. "If one sounds this good two must be even better!"

Best of luck with your search bro.    

Hey Wax - I agree with you about the Venustas.  I have also used it between my dehavilland pre and Mac's and it is a great fit.  Mine is 5 meters and I have just moved my system from the side wall to between the speaks.  I am using Wywires silver currently so the PAD is on the bench.  Having my components closer together allows me to experiment with different cables and I have several laying around.

I will be curious when you spend some time with your new Fusion IC.  Good listening!

Sure, the Wywires are ever so slightly smoother on the top end, not rolled off just more pleasing especially on cymbals for example.  I would call it more refined.  Maybe copper versus a mixed alloy?  They are also a little warmer than Venustas in the upper bass and lower midrange region that is more enjoyable, in my system at least.  I would call both musical cables, but more refinement with the WW.  The Wywires  IC's I have were Alex's first endeavor when he offered only 1 model.  He actually designed the first pair for my Thiel 3.6's which are reputed by some to have a hot tweeter, I own 2 models and have used Thiels for 20 years so I disagree.  They are just ultra transparent and must be matched upstream with components that have a tonality you want the Thiels to reveal.

I did have a pair of Eggleston Andra II's for a while (kept both Thiels) so I talked to Alex about another pair, he designed those with a little more air than the first pair due to the slightly dark character of the Eggy's.  With both pair in the path I found them too warm with the Eggy's, the Venustas was better in this case.   I ended up selling the Eggy's, they were just way too different than the Thiels, could never really get them to open up, with either Mcintosh or Classe amps.

Waxwaves as you and I both know cables are so system dependent.  I have a very revealing analog front end and utter transparancy on the back end and the Wywires are in the musical camp,  a great fit.  I also use his first PC, the Juice, on both amps and my preamp.  They offer the same refinement as the IC's and a lower noise floor.  No frequency is over emphasized which happens with so many other PC's.  

I have had success with other cables but right now the Wywires are doing the trick.  I have never tried his speaker cables.  I keep a lot of cables I buy and the Venustas will always either be in they system or on the bench.  I have not tried any of Alex's other models.
Jafant, the first time I heard the 3.6 some 20+ years ago I became a Thiel fanboy!  I am a cable junkie too - have tried dozens!

Waxwaves, the fact that the binding posts are on the bottom is a major PITA.  You basically have to lay the speaker down to connect cables.  I just measured the opening in the back, it is 1 3/4 inches high from the base and 2 1/4 inches wide.  If you spike them then that would add another 1/2 inch or so depending on the height of the spikes.  The CS 6 is also on the bottom but the posts are closer to the end of the opening on the speaker so you can reach by tilting them forward to connect cables.  It is still a hassle to do so.  They did this strictly for aesthetic reasons for a cleaner look.  Jim probably consulted with someone with too much education before making that decision!  LOL…

I have used some pretty thick cables, Tara Labs The One which were separate runs but thick, some MIT and PAD Proteus Provectus which is also separate runs but very thick.  Others as well - never had an issue other than having to bend over, scrunch your neck, and crawl around the floor.  Good thing I am in peak physical condition……not.

The deep bass is satisfying or I would notice it since I listen to mostly classic rock and blues.  I am not a bass hound but need detailed textured bass and I am getting that with WW in the system.  I will listen some more and report back because I am using some speaker cables, Audiolab Diablos that I am not totally familiar with.

I believe I am right when I say I have silver, it was the only one he offered and it retailed in the 1,100 dollar range - that was about 5 years ago.  Now I think it is his middle cable in the line.  I could be wrong.  Alex is great to work with

Thanks Waxwaves for the incredible complement!  Not sure how good my ears are but I have been at this most of my life!  I really like both Thiel speakers and would say if I had to pick one to live with forever it would be the 3.6.  I think Robert Harley said it best in his review that these speakers offer a complete and utter transparent view like looking through a window - I compare the see through experience like a sliding glass door that is so clear you could mistakenly walk into it.  Now, as has be said many times they must be fed/matched properly upstream to get the output you desire since they deliver what is put in.  The 3.6 is slightly more transparent and the CS6 is slightly more dynamic, both have similar great tone and timbre.  Right now I am listening to the 3.6.

I do not have any real experience with SF other than limited dealer exposure some 20 years ago and it was remarkable.  If memory serves me it was the Guarnari (spelling), a 10K monitor with Rel subs in a huge room, not sure the electronics and it was incredible and out of my price range!  But it helped fuel my audio nervosa bug.

The Rives build out was the best investment I have ever made in my audiophile experience.  I was lucky to have a great space that was partially finished and a serious man cave or as my wife put it "pit."  PM me anytime and I will be happy to provide some details.

"Holiday Gifts"

you have my address right Waxwaves?  I'll send a list!!!!

happy holidays!