
I’ve read of views on whether amp fuses impart any sound quality or coloring. I had a recent experience that has made me re-think my views (fuses do not affect sound) and wondered if others had a similar experience. 
I have a Line Magnetic integrated amp. After heavy regular use for over 5 years, one day it just wouldn’t power up. After checking the power supply, I assumed it must be a blown fuse. I recalled that Line Magnetic sent with the amp two replacement fuses of the same type/quality that was pre-installed. I dug out one of them from storage, replaced the fuse and the amp powered up normally. 

What surprised and delighted me was the change in sound with the replacement fuse. Fuller bass, more detail and more warmth. I have rolled the tubes several times in the amp, and am attuned to the subtle changes that can make. Popping in a fresh fuse seems to have had a similar affect. And these appear to be cheap fuses, available for a few dollars at most. I don’t think I understand any of this. 

Showing 8 responses by tsushima1

“The only one on the site I know of at this point who could do that would be Millercarbon. My understanding is that he has a QSA Violet fuse on order.” 

The guy is hoping for an *Unbiased* review Frank !
Breaking news ... oldhvymec is to feature in the latest DC comics movie as ‘ Audio Man ‘ he has the ability to hear through time ... he can even identify that Queen Elizabeth the 1st wore wooden dentures
Patronisingly Condescending Pavlovian response from mr pompous
“but who are you to tell me what I can or can't hear through my system?”

Awwwwwww Bless ...
“ Ordinary fuses are designed only to fail, no effort whatsoever goes into trying to get the most linear response possible at all points up to failure. Reasonable then to expect ordinary fuses to get hot a lot, and change resistance a lot, even well before failure.“

As you have decided to use a hint of sciencey speak where are your measurements published that record this improved linear frequency response for the QSA fuses that you are endlessly promoting ?

I cannot find any measured test results of this sort published on the QSA or Synergistic research web pages for their products.

where are your measurements published that record the relative temperature response under load to back up your assertion that QSA fuses respond differently in this regard to a standard Bussmann fuse ?

Your rather weak attempt at deflection has absolutely no connection to the question that I posed , I am asking to see Empirical evidenc to back up the statements made above that are entirely measurable and not subjective ... have another go

“ By-passing powersupply or voltage rail caps is a good idea, but it’s not a good idea to bypass caps that are in the signal path as they will have different time constants, and smear at frequencies where they are both doing work.
Alway use the best quality "single cap" in the signal path.”

If economical or physically practicable ^^^^ This ^^^^^ Is quite correct