Furutech GTX NCF receptical break in, how long

Bought NCF with 6 day burn from seller. I have it burning in last 5 days on 2 cheap power bars with old desk top towers, fans, TiVo box, home theater amps. My amp and Preamp, phono stage and CD player are all tube so I don't use them. Ran system on outlet tonight and no bass, bright, sounds bad. First day with outlet it sounded very nice. Any owners of rhodium outlets can tell me what I'm in for time wise, or what to expect sound wise in next couple weeks, thanks
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I agree, with the idea of burning in the Furutech GTX NCF outlet 24/7 for at least 10 days, possibly longer depending upon the method of burn-in. I've used my Audiodharma cable cooker on five Furutech GTX-D Rhodium outlets that I left on for three weeks or longer but I don't know that they had to be burned in for that length of time. I have my first Furutech GTX NCF outlet on the cable cooked now, sounds like its going to need the same amount of time from what others have written.
I suspect your outlet was not actually burned in for 6 days from the seller.  Your loss of bass is typical for part of the burn-in process.  Your initial 5 days of burn in was only about 125 hours.  I usually recommend a straight 10 day (24/7) burn in before it really settles down.
kosst_amojan, only problem my system has it's going to have to break in more NCF outlets because I'm buying more. After bass came back over next couple days it kept improving and became more and more enjoyable to listen to, actually shocked. Big tight bass and killer information retrieval but very natural sounding from an outlet, who would think. I didn't know $200 could buy this much improvement.
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@paulcreed, Just curious, is the outlet still sounding as good today as it did yesterday?
This morning everything was the same. So I ran an long extension cord outside to air compressor. Rigged it so it runs continues, ran it 30 minutes then turned it off and on 15 or 20 times. Ran it 15 minutes then off and on 20 times did this for over an hour per socket, so maybe hour and half per socket. Hooked system back up bass was back highs were very smooth, I know it sounds crazy but it worked. After everything warmed up an hour or so this system has never sounded this good. Thank you for everyone's support.

Auxinput is correct, painful treble did come in at around 160 hours and is unlistenable but that is gone now at 300 hours.

Thanks, just want bass to come back,my speakers go low and its very bass shy and not worth listening to. I can handle tipped up treble.I'm at just under 300 hours. I was considering pulling it and moving it to fridge and freezer for a couple weeks.
In having burned in more than a dozen rhodium components, I would put the real burn-in at about 200-240 hours for anything that has a Furutech level of rhodium plating.  It really depends on the system, but the last bit of 160-200 hours could be very bright, harsh and painful.  Or you may not even notice it (an outlet is somewhat removed from the equipment circuit as you still have power cord, IEC, fuse to go through before the electrical hits your actual circuit).
I don't have direct experience with Furutech's NCF Rhodium receptacles into the wall since all of my NCF Rhodium receptacles are in a power supply.  Being the same receptacles, my findings may apply. They went through extended burn in at the builder's location (I don't remember how long; likely a week) and sounded very good after two weeks of active use in my system. I found marginal improvements / settling over the third and fourth weeks. 
I'm not here to open a can of worms on cable or outlet burn in, just advice from others that that have experienced what I'm hearing. Am I looking at 3,4 or 500 hours of break in time? It would be nice if people like roberjerman would keep there sarcasm to themselves.