Furutech Acoustic panel room Diffuser?

Furutech Acoustic panel room Diffuser has anyone looked into this using this diffuser? I have to scratch my head and wonder about the price of the panels themselves. A box of six would cost upwards of over $3000 grand. If one looks at the amount of material thats used to build a panel that the most expensive material is the silk surround used in each panel. The panels are made of Air Foam Polystyrene{styro foam},plastic,wood and silk. I would have thought that any reviewer would have at least question the pricing per panel? At the price of 3k for 6 I rather purchase some attractive art and leave it at that.The markup is extraordinary for the amount of material used and as far as anyone defending the price of the panels by bringing up R&D.Please the info is on the net for all to review.

Showing 1 response by buconero117

I have three of the the Furutech units. I paid about $400 each. The firm that made them for Furutech is Acoustic Revive and they market theirs for $1395 each, fit and finish is better with wood being used instead of plastic. The design is the same. Seems AR uses special silk worms for the fabric. These silkworms are fed a Tourmaline powder which, if you can believe is the tweak of the tweak, exotic and esoteric. Positive Feedback in Issue 42 did a review of the Acoustic units. The stated purpose of these units are to 'tune and diffuse' reflected sound. I use mine on the sides first reflective points and in front of the TV. The rest of my room is treated with echo busters. on all the walls. I am happy with the improvement in the sound the Furutech units have produced in my room. Lastly, the cost of tweaks. Acoustic Revive makes a receptacle base plate for $325. Yes just the plate, not the receptacle itself. What will audiophiles pay for next.