Funny and clever Axpona Ad

I got a big chuckle out of this promo ad for Axpona. Seems pretty true to the fact:

Axpona Ad

Made you smile, huh?

Showing 3 responses by geoffkait

It's the same woman, right? High End Audio improves sex life. Read between the lines.
Al, it's the wonders of makeup. Hint - you never see the two women in the same scene together. By the way the guy in the background is a real audiophile. The others are just actors. Lol
Al wrote,

"The wife is played by an accomplished actress and filmmaker, who it can be readily determined is about 46 years old."

One supposes she was saving her acting abilities for a big budget movie.

"The dancer is played, as I had indicated, by a professional dance instructor who it can be readily determined is 28, and who also happens to be a graduate of a very prestigious liberal arts college."

I get it, they're all very professional and prestigious. Live arts. Like that's supposed to mean something. Lol