Funny and clever Axpona Ad

I got a big chuckle out of this promo ad for Axpona. Seems pretty true to the fact:

Axpona Ad

Made you smile, huh?

Showing 3 responses by ct0517

Thanks Mofi - nice ad! ..that got my motor running faster than the coffee this morning...

Czarivey - Typical audiophile wives shouldn't be worried of a husband cheating on other woman, but perhaps...

I am pretty sure (One Reason) my wife has allowed me to partake in this madness of a hobby; is that it distracts me from wanting to go with a couple of buddies to places where there are a number of girls like that, strategically placed around the room, dancing like that and more ...

She is able to keep tabs on me....

A couple of audiophile buddies still insist that there is a speaker in this picture?
if anyone is I ended up owing a favour to my wife because of this Audiogon thread / Axpona ad.
a lesson learned ?

for more background see my initial post here. onwards we go...

03-22-15: Geoffkait
It's the same woman, right?

03-23-15: Zephyr24069
Geoffkait: I think so too...definitely looks like the same person or a twin


On first viewing, I personally did not think that they were the same person.


03-23-15: Almarg
Geoff & Zeph -- I must admit that your comments go over my head. Who are you saying is the same woman as whom? If you are saying that the guy's wife is the same woman as the dancer, I suspect that you've misplaced your glasses :-)

03-23-15: Geoffkait
Al, it's the wonders of makeup. Hint - you never see the two women in the same scene together. By the way the guy in the background is a real audiophile. The others are just actors.


After reading Geoffkait's second post I had a better look, and thought, hmm.. they do seem to have the same high cheekbones. Maybe could pass for sisters ? So I called back my wife to watch a second time. She chuckled at the ad the first time. She is clearly not pleased that I want her to watch a dancing girl again...but she does watch the ad a second time.

"Not the same person she says to me" ...... but now inspired by Geoffkait's last post, and as this is like the movies and makeup; an illusion like this hobby after all...anything's possible.

So like playing poker with the guys... I go all in, and I bet her it is the same woman.


03-23-15: Almarg
Hi Geoff,

My curiosity having been piqued by your and Zeph's posts, I found the credits for the ad here (click the "read more" link). The wife is played by an accomplished actress and filmmaker, who it can be readily determined is about 46 years old. The dancer is played, as I had indicated, by a professional dance instructor who it can be readily determined is 28, and who also happens to be a graduate of a very prestigious liberal arts college.


Almarg's post destroys the illusion. I show her his post and admit defeat, again, to my wife.

Now the thing is, we didn't establish what the bet was for, so my wife takes the liberty of, and turns the bet into a "I owe her a favour now"
(no expiry date)

I console myself by going down to my audio hole and put on my latest audiophile wife secret weapon.

Diana Krall - Wall Flower

to try to put her in a better mood maybe...

Lesson learned ?

Very ironic for me this Axpona show at the Westin is a two minute walk from the River Road, Rosemont Illinois American Company I used to work for. Many nice memories..
I came across many nice pictures of the show.


Made me feel like I was there. Especially the shots in rooms with curtains open showing tree limbs budding (I could almost hear the birds chirping). These rooms must have been static displays - no sound ?
thanks to the Audioshark website for the pics.