Funniest Quote About Your Audio "Affliction"

When I was getting into the audio business and had gone to the extreme in wire it was pretty exciting to me to say the least. I had just got the best wire throughout my system I'd ever had, there were $3500 Aluminata power cords on both amps and the preamp, the new Electrocompaniet CD player had a Kaptovator as the Aluminata killed the life for some reason where the Kaptovator was just right. The sound stage, imaging, sense of space and detail was the best I'd ever heard.

I tell my wife she has to come in and hear one of her favorite songs at the time, Madonna's Frozen. So images were behind the back wall, in your face, two or three feet beyond side walls. She looks at me with a deadly serious expression and says that she doesn't like the way all these instruments and vocals are coming from all over the place, she likes the music to sound like it's coming from the speakers.

I was disgusted, I told her to get out of there, she was done. So first thing in the morning I called the owner of the cable manufacturer and told him about that, he laughed his butt off, we both did. He said that was just about the funniest thing he's ever heard about higher end audio, and asked if he could tell other people about it, I told him sure.

Showing 6 responses by czarivey

The first part where powercord was more expensive than the rest of components was much funnier.
...In fact $3500 powercord is quite funny quote too despite how mow the rest of components wow.
Now I can laugh of everything mentioned here including components. I think you've misunderstood your wife bud.
I can laugh at anyone. It might be my other passion of loving comedy, satire and grotesque. My heaviest laugh is certainly towards religion of any kind.
Components and wires that worth close to super car or house on the beach also can make me laugh just because of the fact. Wire that worth more than my KTM bike believe me also does.
Besides audio I've mentioned I laugh at health, veterinary, prescription and food industries because they have almost the same pattern with audio, that is mostly full of crap and brainwash.
Doug, I guess you have difficulties defining agenda. As foreigner I can understand that. I'm still thinking what I have to take somewhere else... Usually I prefer stickin' it.

...oops forgot to mention that folks who praise dat crazy priced stuff make me laugh too, stuck late model benz that won't crank or beemer especially if lady's late for makeup haha! Jump on my 1989 Chevy van bb or it's yours for $2k just did a toon up!