Full range speakes for VAC 30/30 Renaissance MK III with CAT SL1 Sig Mk III preamp w NOS.

Hi. I’m presently unable to audition speakers at dealers other than trials as I must stay in a remote area. My problem with trials is that I have nothing to compare them to. Hopefully we can narrow the list down with your help. My listening room is lively and measures 18 x 36 yards yet my seats are half way down the rectangle. (On that subject I’ve wonder about moving the listening position to one end of the long wall firing across, or not?). I can also add room treatment. I’m not opposed to buying used unless I should be. I’d like to keep the price below $5K. Preferably $2,500-$3,500. I’m looking for a revealing, full range speaker. Naturally I don’t want want boomy, love air, large soundstage, and fast/ tight if possibly. I wonder if full range will be overwhelming in such a small space, yet I want to hear all of the music? I wish for a speaker that will stand on its own merits and be worthy of building a system around in the future if desired, if that’s possible at this price point. I listen to both TT and digital, mostly four man band. One of the most important attritubes I must avoid is ear fatigue as I am prone to migraine. So mellow yet revealing/ accurate and efficient? Crossover or not? Single point? Your help is very much needed and appreciated. Thank you!

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