Full range speakers with small footprint?

I've decided to sell my Vandersteen 2Ce's because they are too big (or visually imposing) for my living room and my planned dedicated listening room is not going to happen very soon. Can anyone recommend a floor standing speaker with a smaller footprint that is capable of producing some bass? They would be driven by Quicksilver amps, 60 wpc.

Thanks for your ideas, Jeff.

Showing 4 responses by tobias

Meadowlark Shearwater Hot Rod. The Sound Ideas review (see link on Meadowlark website) gives you some idea of the bass these are capable of in the right room, and your amps would be ideal for them. Well within your budget.
It'salldark, I would grab Fidelios too, if I could get them for $2500! But I would hesitate to drive them with 60W tube amps, even Quicksilver quality. I heard Verities--Fidelios or Parsifals, don't remember which--with 150W Tenor monoblocks last year in Montreal, and the effect was best in show.

Jeff, I can vouch for the fact that the WAF on Shearwaters is quite high.
Itsalldark, I stand corrected on Fidelios and watts. Thank you very much indeed. Maybe I can see my way to a pair a bit sooner now. BTW the Cary V12 is a very strong-shouldered piece of gear. I heard it driving Quad 988s a few years ago. I liked it a lot. Very firm control, and very musical.
Interesting to note that here again, the Merlin VSMs and the Shearwater Hot Rods both have a keen following. Jeff, if you listen to both (or to other Meadowlarks than the discontinued Shearwaters), it would be fun to get your impressions.