Full range speaker recommendation

Looking for recommendations for full range speakers. 

price range is sub $6000. Current setup is Jeff Rowland 501 Mono Blocks, Jeff Rowland Capri Preamp, McIntosh MCD-350 SACD, Cambridge CXN streamer, Rega P6 with Songbird low Mc. 
Room is 17’x15’2” with vaulted ceiling. 
Currently have ATC SCM 11V2 with two REL S2 subs. 

any insight would be greatly appreciated 🙏

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Showing 2 responses by yoyoyaya

Sonus Faber Lumina Vs should work well in that space.

If you want to keep a form factor similar to the ATCs, Spendor Classic 2/3s will be fuller sounding than the ATC's.

Lastly, as a total alternative, it's worth giving consideration to Magnepan (Magneplanars) - they might lack a bit of punch on classic rock but they are superb speakers.

Following johnto’s comment and responding to an earlier poster, there is absolutely no reason why a pair of Magnepans will not work in that room.

Separately, (Saul Cohen), it’s not that the Watt/Puppies are difficult to place, but they require very patient and accurate setup. However, you could still find them a mite unforgiving tonally.