Full range speaker/high power amp

I'm considering a DIY project and build a medium sized speaker using a full range driver, something like an Alpair Pensil or a similarly sized horn-loaded design. As you all know, these (types) speakers are generally very efficient and most people pair them with a low powered tube amplifiers for obvious reasons. My plans are to ultimately either buy or build a tube integrated to pair with these speakers but that will not happen probably until summer or even later. My question is has anyone paired such speakers with relatively high powered amplifiers and how did they sound. I'm obviously aware of the power handing considerations so my question is really about the sound quality rather than the risk of damage. The amp is a Vincent hybrid putting out 150/300 @ 8/4 ohms and the speakers will probably be >93 dB sensitivity. Thanks.

Showing 1 response by seikosha

I had some Pensils for awhile and actually felt that they sounded better with higher powered amps vs. the low wattage SET's that I tried them with.