Front ported speakers recommendation

I am planning to get a pair of front ported speakers for my bedroom. I found most rear ported speakers need to be away from the rear walls, which won't fit my bedroom well.

My budget is $2K-$3K. What would you recommend?

I have a pair of Acoustic Zen Adagio for my main listening area. I like them a lot, but want to get something else for my bedroom. Thank you.
Hi Vett93:

I started with the sentence "$2-$3K for bedroom speakers is too much money to spend on bedroom speakers" and then I remembered this thread from 2 years ago.

We would need to know a bit more information about room size, room furnishings, listening position, listening preferences, other equipment, etc.


Hi,check out devore speakers.The Gibbon 7.1 and 8 are front ported.GOOD LUCK,KP
Another vote for the Devore Fidelity 8's. They're incredible in my smallish living room. Note that the 8's are front ported but the Super 8's are rear ported. Though they're a floorstander, they have a small footprint and take up less room than the stand-mounts I've had before them.
You've got to consider Merlin TSM. Search the archives, tons written about them here and on