From McIntosh to Yamaha

Very odd question.  With COVID related issues I unfortunately have to sell my McIntosh c220 and MC202 to follow.  I removed the pre amp and amp from my system and hooked up my first ever receiver which is a Yamaha RX530 bought back in the early 90's.  The receiver is currently hooked up to my thiel CS 1.6 and I have to say the music sounds so much more forward and the bass response is like nothing I have ever heard come out of my Thiels. Yes resolution is not what it use to be by the drastic change is crazy and they also play so much louder.  SMH.

Showing 1 response by ryder

You should try a PROPER 2-channel amp from Yamaha, Luxman or Accuphase. You may be surprised that some of these integrateds especially the higher range models can match or surpass the performance of costlier pre/power from other amp manufacturers.