From Krell to McIntosh - Anyone?


i am currently using Krell FPB 600c and Krell KPS 25sc, since i lean towards system synergy, i am looking at a complete/only McIntosh rig.
Mainly because my speakers sounds at their best with power amps with low damping factor.
The MC 501 and MC 1201 seems nice, but what are the trade and/ or trade offs - if dumping the Krell system?
Krell's sense of drama and viceral impact is something special, i wonder what happens if i am going McIntosh.

The MCD 201 seems to eliminate the need of a dedicated (stand alone) pre amp. It also does both cd and sacd (mp3) and is equiped with an analog volume control.
MCD 201 and the MC 501 or 1201.
Anyone done a compairson of these brands, able to explain?

Back to McIntosh vs Krell equipment. Yes both are wonderful but I have never enjoyed music as much as I do through my McIntosh system. I am using an MC352 and couldn't be happier with it (Unless I had the MC501's). I will be getting the MCD201 as soon as my dealer gets one in (After I listen to it of course and deem it a worthy investment). As soon as I do I'll let you you how it sounds. My advice to you is to follow your heart on this one as I don't think you can go wrong with either one. Why does everyone bash other manufactures, I am a loyal McIntosh devotee but I realize that there are plenty of other wonderful makers of electronics. What sounds great to one person may not to another and thats okay. I prefer to listen to music and not to my electronics unlike so many people who call themselves audiophiles do. All I know is that when I kick on my Mac gear and listen to music it brings me to another world. Have you ever felt like you were floating while listening to your gear? Been drawn into the performance and have tingles run up your spine? Because this is what I get everytime. A euphoric experience.
I'm pretty happy with my Mc 602. It is musical, non fatiguing and has this effortless quality.
I don't know what kind of speakers you are using but if they are on the detailed side (Theil, JM Labs etc..) then I think a Mac would be great… conversely with the Krell. Although I am curious about the Krell, the Mac is more flexible, better value and the better choice for me. I also think the Krell would influence the music I would choose to listen to. For example, I listen to live music recorded off the soundboards which wouldn't be as listenable on the less forgiving Krell. I also listen to allot of music off my computer fed through a dac which sounds great through the Mac.
In my opinion, the Krell is like driving a 911 Turbo Porsche to work everyday. At first it would be great, but after a while, a BMW makes more sense and is more satisfying in the long run. BTW, I also drive a BMW.
It boils down to personal taste. Both are excellent. Anyone says that one is "better" than the other is a bit naive at best.
Lokie - while I respect your opinion, I have found that after I switched from the MC-352 to the FPB-300C, I started listening to much more diverse selections of music. With the Mac I tended to only listen to smaller acoustic groups. But now with the Krell, I listen to that, and a whole lot more. Once I realized the Krell needed some warm-up time where the Mac was good (at least reasonably good) right away at start-up, I found the Krell to be "clearer" without being more fatiguing like many seem to think.

Don’t get me wrong please – if I still had the Mac, I wouldn’t be disappointed, but I do like the Krell more. I could live with either though.
Dbld... If the audio ferry showed up and said Im trading your 602 for a FPB 400CX, I certainly wouldn't be sad... I would be one smilin SOB. I think they would sound great with my Eggleston's.