From Audio Research CD2 to Benchmark:upgrade?

How Audio Research CD2 own DAC stocks up against Benchmark?
Would you consider it an upgrade if i use ARC CD2 as a transport and pipe it thru the Benchmark DAC?
Also,how it compares to CAL Alpha that i have?
Should i go for it or stick with what i have?
Thank You.
If the CD2 has a BNC like the newer CD3 I would definitely give the benchmark a shot.
When I changed the RCA on my transport to BNC for a better impedence match between components then added a simple silver transmission line w/ BNC's, the Benchmarks level of realism doubled in every respect. Dynamics, smoothness and scale became nearly world class. No kidding!
Don't underestimate the improvement the Benchmark will provide. In balanced mode it is exceptionally good, clean and well textured with a great top end. Jallen