Fritz vs CSS vs Ryan

Doing some speaker searches and these 3 are on my radar. Wanted to see if anyone here has listened to a couple of these listed.

Fritz Carrera Be


Ryan R610

These will be powered by a Kinki Studio EX-M1 and I listen to rock, jazz and some world music. Trying to find a speaker that does well with rock recordings.


Showing 1 response by phill55

Why not trial both the Fritz Carrera BE and the Carbon 7 SE. I did. They both have their plus and minus…i had upgraded Raven Blackhawk as my tube integrated amp. And this trial was after already owning prior Carbon 7. To my ears, I liked the Carbon 7 SE, due in part to my previous Fritz speaker (beautiful mid range, voices…listen mostly to Jazz) and my lack of patience in taking the time to let my ears readjust to the beryllium tweeter which will definitely bring forth the higher frequencies. That said, I could certainly afford speakers 3x the price of Fritz speakers. But the whole package of personal service by Fritz, going through the personal journey of speaker education coupled with his dogged determination to build speakers based on his successful implementation of a stand mount speaker design with multiple bespoke wood finishes, while always searching for the best drivers is why I would wholeheartedly recommend the Fritz speakers. I don’t need to explain the amazing sound they produce as their are many, many reviews from numerous reviewers. I also do not sell them for Fritz !