Fritz Speakers

Lots of good reviews and comments here about Fritz speakers. I spoke to Fritz a few times about 5-6 years ago when last looking for new speakers, but went in a different direction. I find myself in the market once more, re-considering Fritz, and focused on the Carreras right now but interested in his entire line.

In particular, I'm wondering if anyone can comment on their low-level listening qualities. That's how I spend a lot of my time with my system. Speakers like the Focals do really well at lower volumes, and I'm looking for a similar experience. Interested in any comments about the BE tweeters as well. Thanks.


Showing 2 responses by larsman

I got a pair of Fritz Carrera BE's a few years ago after Fritz brought them by my place in San Francisco. They are wonderful indeed and Fritz is a great guy! But time for an upgrade still, and did an audition for upgrades the other day. I brought the Fritz's along for reference and I preferred them to a few speakers that cost almost 3x as much, but I then heard Marten Oscar Duos, and yeah, that's what I wanted, so I just put in an order. I'll have my Fritz's up for sale when those Martens show up. 

@erik_squires - I've got Fritz speakers too, but getting 'dissected' here on Audiogon? Almost every mention of Fritz or his speakers I've seen here or elsewhere has been very positive...