Fritz Speakers

Lots of good reviews and comments here about Fritz speakers. I spoke to Fritz a few times about 5-6 years ago when last looking for new speakers, but went in a different direction. I find myself in the market once more, re-considering Fritz, and focused on the Carreras right now but interested in his entire line.

In particular, I'm wondering if anyone can comment on their low-level listening qualities. That's how I spend a lot of my time with my system. Speakers like the Focals do really well at lower volumes, and I'm looking for a similar experience. Interested in any comments about the BE tweeters as well. Thanks.


Showing 6 responses by j_andrews

I'm a newish owner/user of Fritz Carbon 7 SE mk2 speakers.

I purchased directly from John last summer.

My listening is usually in the mid 60's (db's) with peaks in the low 70's.  Sometimes when my wife is upstairs I'll listen very low and I'm astonished how, after allowing my hearing to acclimate to such a different presentation, how full and engaging the sound is.  It's like those speakers don't give up the low end or the top end when the volume goes low.  As long as I can keep my tinnitus in check, I can listen a long time at these late night low volumes and be totally in the music.

I couldn't be happier with that purchase.  I sometimes swap in my Magnepan LRS's but they typically get pulled for the Fritz's after a couple of days.

@mesch yes the Fritz don't require the power the LRS do...not anywhere close. 
Fortunately my Van Alstine amp plays very nicely with both sets of speakers. 

But ...the treat is, surprisingly I can also use my 3.5 watt 2a3 SET amp with the Fritz with great results.

I've been running these Fritz speakers without subs for a few weeks.   Honestly I don't miss the subs.  I have just enough room gain that everything is nice and full and balanced.   Am considering a digital crossover as some point to relieve the Fritz's (and amp) of a little low end duty and pass that on to stereo subs...but haven't embarked on that adventure yet.   But...there are plenty of happy listeners with Fritz speakers going without subs. 

Thanks for your insight @jjss49 

Regarding "well integrated into the system", that is perhaps the sticking point I've been having.  I have two fast Omega deep hemp powered subs with 8" drivers.  I've certainly had moments where I felt they were integrated into my system whether the Fritz's were on deck or the LRS's...However, my stereo is traditional and I don't have any subwoofer integration or dsp capability at the moment.  That seems like a big project to embark on.

In your experience, does well integrated mean the mains aren't running full range and are high passed somewhat?  

I know people are using minidsp to do this, but doesn't that preclude one from choosing their own dac?

Perhaps this is best discussed on a new thread 



I will add that my Carbon 7 SE mk ii's were $2600 when I purchased them last year.

(I think the price has gone up a little bit since then). 

So they aren't all $3500 like the Carreras.

Since when do companies or manufactures give a cost breakdown of every component in their product? I don’t know of many nor would I except that as a consumer tbh.

I can’t comment on the actual costs to source all the parts, produce, keep inventoried, sell and ship the speakers, which as you mentioned are comprised of lots of different components that presumably come from different places and vendors....but I do know it’s a one-man operation who builds the cabs to a very high standard, uses top shelf drivers, a unique crossover assembly that requires tuning by ear, real wood veneers, a high quality grill system and includes US shipping on a very heavy pair of speakers in the pricing.

Those attributes are some of the motivation that pushed me to purchase directly from John rather than buying a used pair at the time which would’ve saved me almost a grand. I like supporting certain makers/producers when I can.

I’ve never heard the BMR monitor but I’ve been thinking about buying pair for my dad when we update his system as he downsizes later this year.