Fritz Speakers

Lots of good reviews and comments here about Fritz speakers. I spoke to Fritz a few times about 5-6 years ago when last looking for new speakers, but went in a different direction. I find myself in the market once more, re-considering Fritz, and focused on the Carreras right now but interested in his entire line.

In particular, I'm wondering if anyone can comment on their low-level listening qualities. That's how I spend a lot of my time with my system. Speakers like the Focals do really well at lower volumes, and I'm looking for a similar experience. Interested in any comments about the BE tweeters as well. Thanks.


Showing 1 response by hilde45

I have listened extensively to both the Carrera and the Carbon 7 mk II and they're both lovely speakers. I cannot recall about the "low listening" element.

However, your question raises another one for me, namely,

"Don't speakers perform differently at low levels depending on the amplifier driving them?"

If the answer to that question is "yes" than without knowing which amplifiers people are using to drive the Fritz, I'm not sure you're collecting useful information.