Fritz Carbon 7 SE MKII

So I have read and listened to 4 reviews on the Fritz Carbon 7 SE MKII speakers.  Wow these sound like hands down the best speakers made for $3K and under. Does anybody on the forum have hands on experience with them. One of the things I was wondering of course is ur take on them and how they may compare to speakers that are more expensive.


Showing 1 response by larsman

I had a pair of Carrerra BE's that Fritz brought to me in San Francisco about 3 years ago; they.replaced Harbeth Super 5's, which were really not the best for the music I like, which is rock. They're great and sound wonderful; I also tried a pair of KLH Model 5's and enjoyed those for awhile, but ended up selling them and keeping the Fritzes. I sold the Fritzes in Autumn of 2023 and replaced them with much more expensive Marten speakers... For the money, you really can't top the speakers that Fritz makes, and he's a really good guy, too.